Monika Galbavá

Monika Galbavá

Vystudovala jsem střední pedagogickou školu, obor vychovatelství se specializací hudební výchova. Ve světě ,,výchov,, jsem jako doma, proto jsem studovala lidovou hereckou konzervatoř, abych pronikla hlouběji do dramatické výchovy. Moje zájmy jsou sport – dlouho...
Iván Peréz

Iván Peréz

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Guanajuato (Mexico) and a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico). I am currently studying for a PhD in Educational...
Soneni Dube

Soneni Dube

Originally from sunny Harare in Zimbabwe, I have always been passionate about travelling because my family moved around quite a bit in my childhood. As a result, I had the joy of fulfilling my education in 3 different countries (South Africa, Ghana, and Zimbabwe)...
Emily Taylor

Emily Taylor

Emily has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in History with a minor in Studio Art from Metropolitan State University in Denver, CO. She has been teaching English as a second language in Prague to a wide range of ages and levels, in both group and private settings. Teaching...